The update is done¶

I haven’t been that lazy as I wanted to be yesterday and today. I started with the firmware upgrade of my phone (HTC Hero) yesterday afternoon (probably the most stupid time I could have chosen) and I think I finished it totally today.
But: On the other side I got really annoyed by my phone eating randomly incoming SMS messages, meaning: Giving an alert but not displaying anything. I had to guess who might have written me. This increased my para-mental abilities to new levels, though, but was quite exhausting when I wasn’t in the mood of checking the nirvana and just wanted to have a simple message made of bits and bytes instead.
Therefore I ran the update yesterday after making an sms-to-csv export, backing up all contacts as vcard and copying all applications to the internal SD-Card. I also though I’ve synchronized the internal calender to the Google calender (which I usually don’t use at all). But this was obviously the point where I lacked to check (what I couldn’t at all, since I forgot my gmail password). So after the firmware upgrade I had access to all contacts and could at least install the most important applications from the SD-Card, but failed when I wanted to subscribe to Google in Order to enable the Android Market or install anything else. I had to wait 24 hours until I could reset my password. At least that works like a charm (it was the second time I had to do this ;) ).
So now I’m back to the old configuration, just with a new firmware. The new one really seems to be quicker in handling and I think I discovered here and there a new button which I missed in the previous version. But the most important thing: Within the last 4 hours I lost no SMS. I’ll see if this works out well for me or not….