Antony and the Johnsons/Swanlighs¶

While searching the background story for another song/group I stumbled again over Antony and the Johnsons. This wasn’t the first time. But since I’ve heard his version of Leonard Cohens If it be your will, I unfortunately never found time to listen to a whole Album of him. So I picked up his recently published Album Swanlights. I’m actually more impressed than I thought I would be.
The Album doesn’t have a big catchy song so far (or I couldn’t really spot it. Please correct me if I’m wrong), but what I really appreciated was that you can jump into it at any song you like and you just can’t pick a boring one. And you’re gonna be released at the end. So you get easy in, but there’s no way out than listening it to the end. Especially to collaboration with Bjørk I liked a lot. But I’m a Bjørk anyway, so that doesn’t count.
For me Antony and the Johnsons has always been somewhere close to the Wainwright’s (I haven’t heard a whole album of one of them either). So somewhere between country and good music. Now “Antony and the Johnsons” have/has (is it plural or singular here?) moved much further into the direction of good music.