Concert: Kurt Nilsen¶

I apologize. I almost forgot to mention, that I’ve been on a concert of Kurt Nilsen at the beginning of this month. Therefore I write this entry now a bit afterwards. This also gave me some time to think about how my impression of this concert has been.
Though he was winner of Norge Idol (in 2008, I think) and I’m quite suspicious against the Idol-Concept in general, I have to admit that his voice is quite impressive. But don’t ask me about how he looks. I think there’s a common agreement about it.
The question for me is: Is that enough to like him. And I have to say, this is difficult to answer. The concert was very much into folk and country - and that’s not necessarily the type of music I’d choose to listen to. Apart from that I found it quite hard to find anything else I would listen to the music than his voice. I finally got the impression that his music is just supporting his voice and not necessarily reflecting the diligence of fabrication I usually like in songs.
But I didn’t regret it going there (based on some other reasons as well which I’m not gonna explain here) and I finally got a more founded opinion about him than I had before.
But there was also a very bright spot in the warm up: Elin Gaustad. This name will not necessarily tell you something (so it didn’t to me before), but: damn it. She was good. OK, she can’t really play many songs, but I think her attitude isn’t to become that famous as Mr. Nilsen already is. If she can manage it to keep her style and the quality of songs and passion she’ s playing with, I’d buy her CD right away: Confessional Song.