Concert: Minor Majority¶

Anybody who doesn’t know Minor Majority yet, should maybe have a look at them. This was the first concert of them I’ve been to, nice Supporter, nice music, nice company. If I had to sum this evening up, I’d give it a 8 to 9, but for different reasons. MM played then just one role in that. But from the beginning: The concert took place at Rockefeller, one of the typical stages here. I counted about 150 people, I think, so it was quite a cozy concert. Not crowded, no stress, nothing. The supporter “band” (Jens Herman Ruge) started about 22:00. Though it/he was a two men group, he was surprisingly good. Felt a bit reminded to the first time I saw The Black keys. You just underestimate what’s possible with just two guitars and a bit talent. Anyway - this time I didn’t make the mistake and forget to buy a CD: it’s mine.
About half an hour later (~23:00) MM finally came on stage. The show was a kind of unspectacular. In parts I missed some connection with the audience. So what I’ve experienced were somehow two different shows: One was boring for the eye, since nothing happened and MM didn’t seem to enjoy very much playing their songs. On the audio side instead, they went behind the standard repertoire, improvised, mixed and really “played” the instruments. So maybe that’s just the way they are: More focused on the music. If I’d go there again? Yes, but only if they promise to play Allison as well, and if all the other things that made this evening so nice happen again.