
A tradition is somehow evolving here, I think. This years box from Santa Claus has been a bit late. No, I’m not talking about the one coming in a couple of days. Oh No. I refer to the one that is coming at the sixth of December usually. I think he might have been a bit too busy this year. At least I’m not blaming the extraordinary* normal weather-conditions for that.
It happens that my Mom sends me that package once a year around the beginning of December and I really start to like it. Not sure if it’s more the chocolate or the gifts (This year: Socks! C’mon, Mom, it’s not that cold here!), but I get a bit grumpy if nothing comes up here. Thanks for that.
Regarding the weather conditions: A couple of years ago this has been quite normal winters. Nothing special. Instead of blaming the weather conditions, it’s more likely that the ability of dealing with the weather has been decreased. The Stockholm Airport still manages it to keep flights on time. Oslo as well. London? Forget it. And I haven’t even talked about the streets.
In the early 80s the German government introduced a limit for using salt on the streets during winter. The result has been an artificial lack of salt and many, many frozen streets that years and a subjective more experienced strong winter. Well, the average temperature has been going up since the beginning of the 19th century in Germany (don’t have any numbers for other countries right now). And if I remember correctly last year it has been the same: Panic everywhere, “This is the strongest winter ever!”.
Maybe there’s somebody who wants to explain the advantages of privatization to me? Anyone? Thought so.