Jens Herman Ruge/There may have been violins¶

Actually discovered as a Supporter for Minor Majority, Jens Herman Ruge and just the couple of Songs he played live where enough to convince me to buy the CD “There may have been violins” right away from the concert (and I didn’t want that situation to be repeated). Luckily: I’m not disappointed. Not at all. Beneath the fact that you get a proper paper case instead of the plastic crap, with a booklet inside, I really prefer that compared to downloaded albums. And it was cheaper than buying it at the local CD stores as well. Great.
There are 10 Tracks on that album. But the playtime of a song rarely crosses the 3 minutes, so listening to the whole album doesn’t last that long. I remember that I already experienced that during the concert. But for the first CD he made it’s absolutely acceptable. I think I’d have really regret it not buying that CD.
NB: Check out the list of Examples on his MySpace page. I’d say that gives you a pretty good idea about his music.