Amanda Palmer¶

Amanda Fucking Palmer is working on her next album. As every good project you check first if you have the cash. In Amanda’s case: Check: no.
Well. That doesn’t help much. And so started Amanda Palmer a kickstart project on Kickstarter) to finance the production. Without a label.
Beside that releasing an album without a label beside being difficult is also considered quite sexy the initial request for $100.000 has already been reached, now heading for half of a million.
Anybody $18k left?
For more than $10k you get the whole band home to you, a massive party, the promise they’ll drink you under the table (while you provide the table), food, songs, everything. You can have that five times within the next 12 to 18 months. I’m really tempted.
Since my pocket money is a bit too short for that, I’ll go for a cheaper option. At least the money is going to her, not to a label.
Links: Amanda Palmer Official Site