Angus Stone/Broken Brights¶

I should really stop doing this. Really. It’s getting a bit out of hand. So much nice music….
In the beginning I wasn’t sure if I should write about Angus Stone, Brother of Julia Stone.
The first listening of this album wasn’t remarkable. Well, the first song I heard was Wooden Chair, since that was the first video that came out.
Well.. a bit catchy.. ok. But nothing more after the first hearing impression. When roaming through the rest of the album, it was more like… _”hmm.. well.. hmmm. ok… hmm..”. The excitement wasn’t really starting off.
I started remembering the good old days albums of Angus & Julia Stone, with songs which immediately take off and sett you back on the ground after the album has already finished minutes ago. Never earlier.
That was a mistake.
My lazy nature didn’t let me change my playlist for a couple of days, so each day began with Angus and the whole album. By now I must have already listened to it about 10 or more times at least. And now it’s starting to take off. From the unspectacular musical cover of the beginning slowly a better and better album unfolds. You can still hear the roots of the duo-songs with his sister, but it’s different. Not bad at all, just different.
Let me put it this way: If you expect a new album from Angus & Julia Stone - that’s not what you get. Don’t go for this one then.
But if you want to taste something a bit different, which is more relaxing and calmer, then you should try this album for dessert. [1]
It’s definitely worth buying it.