Consert: Of Monsters and Men¶

A quiet and calm weekend so far.. until Saturday evening. Of Monsters and Men/My Head is an Animal were playing in small arrangement at Parkteatret. I didn’t know what to expect. Their first album Of Monsters and Men/My Head is an Animal, well - you could call it a big success. But that was only the first album I’m usually a bit sceptical with groups with just a bit stage experience. So my expectations weren’t too high.
Of Monsters and Men used this shameless against me!
Their performance was flawless. The music played was on an exceptional high level. But more astonishing they played well with the audience as well. Not too much, not too less. When the crowed wanted to continue singing a song they started again playing.
Everybody knew all the lyrics and if you didn’t, then you’ve learned them right away. It was definitely one of the best concerts I’ve lately been to and I didn’t wanted it to stop.
But eventually they ran out of songs after 90 minutes of playing. So they started playing unpublished material… brilliant. I’m already looking for the next album coming out. That will be a blind buy.