Dredg/The Pariah, The Parrot, The Delusion¶

Three weeks without any CD recommendation? That can’t be: So before I excuse myself with another busy week full of work: Here they are: Dredg.
Dredg was somehow for me like a prequel to the later discovered Mew, in a way just leading to them. It’s much, much rock involved here.
“More Rock!” - is a phrase that should probably be printed on a t-shirt anyway. And Dregd has come to fulfill their duty here.
The package being delivered is an album full of rock, guitars, drums and melody. It’s slowing taking up the speed from the first to the third song and opening a grand finale right in the middle. The left over pieces are for the rats and the people who still want to dance and sing.
Their artwork is as creepy, their music goes under your skin and you can see them developing their music when you follow through the albums in chronological order.