Gut Feelings¶

Yes, I know last weekend was busy. Yes, I know that I was involved. Yes, I know that I’m tired as hell. But you know what? Today is the last day before my vacation - so I officially don’t care.
Regarding the moving: That was celebrated last Saturday with a visit at the GutFeelings Festival.
As announced earlier Dillon/This silence kills was scheduled for this day and that’s where I went. In the basement of Revolver was the party. Many people and a high number of people looking like from the late 80’s - naa. .more like 70’s. It was quite hard not loosing the grip in time and to remind myself that it’s still 2012.
It should also be mentioned that the Hamburger they made on the outside was meat-wise one of the best I’ve had for a long time. And being served from three Grill-masters continuously drinking beer made it even better…