James Vincent McMorrow/Early in the morning¶

This time (right after St. Patrick’s day and totally a coincidence: James Vincent McMorrow. If you just slightly share my taste of music, then probably already the first song reminds you to Bon Iver. But hey, there’s much more to discover. Here we’ve got an Irish bloke, mixing successfully the styles of Bon Iver and Sufjan Stevens. I’d also put a piece of the Fleet Foxes into this, if you ask me. All together this flows very well through my speakers…
I was now listening about two weeks to this album. And still I could listen more to it. Especially “this old dark machine” sounds like I’ve heard it before. But I can’t figure out if it have or not. It might be coming from the Mykonos song over there, but I’m not sure. It’s nice to listen to anyway.
Unfortunately, apart from Higher love from 2011 (Cover), there’s no album beside this one out yet. But: there’s some touring going on. Mainly in Australia and central Europe, but I’m hoping one day he’ll come to visit here as well.
Links: Official Website