Let the right on in¶

This i wanted actually already post last year, but it was more important to me to buy the actual DVD and to make Christmas present out of it. The present should have arrived in the meantime, so I can write about it.
Since one of the actors really looks like my little brother, it was more or less mandatory to get this one. “Let the right one in” (or “Låt den rätte komma in”) is listed as an horror movie and especially the first 15 minutes are surprising, when you do not know what the movie is about. As soon as you get through that you will have made it through the worst.
Typically - I think - most of the Scandinavian movies are a kind of special: either their topic or the way they are made. This one is not an exception. What puzzled me a bit was that I had the picture of this movie scene on my wall for about a year now, but never knew where it actually belonged to. I am glad it`s a movie and not real.