Octopress: FTP deployment¶

Looks like I’m never going to be done with this.
Another thing that could have been optimized was the upload of the Octopress generated site. That needed still far too much manual interaction.
Octopress itself supports deployment via SSH and directly to GitHub, but not FTP.
So I’ve used so far a FTP client and synced the local files up to the FTP directory on the server.
The things that annoyed me the most with this was the time I’ve spend on just going in to the right directories all the time and to check and double-check that the source and destination were correct and I wouldn’t accidentally overwrite some files with some unwanted stuff.
So far I’ve been lucky, but I really don’t want to take care about this any more.
So I sat down today and wrote this small script. It basically does the following:
Make sure I’ve got the right source folder.
Try to login to the FTP-Server.
Show what’s about to happen and ask for permission.
Tell me how long it took.
This post also is basically the test if everything works fine. So if you see this, then: YEAH!