Orson Scott Card/Ender’s Game¶

Yes, YES! Even when living in the 21st century, writing on dead wood still produces long lasting results. And good ones.
I’m currently reading Ender’s Games by Orson Scott Card.
And I rarely read books, mostly because many of them are boring. On the other hand I have quite a pile of unread books which I need to go through book by book.
Ender’s Game is a very good one. As a recommendation I was hoping for that, but you can never be sure.
Ender is a little boy, the third of three siblings, and growing up in a world, where are only a few main powers in the world are left. All these nations have united in order to withstand to a global thread: The Buggers. The daily life is dominated by the threat and the human preparation for the next big attack. Never knowing when it will be, the last one was about 30 years ago and has been thrown back by a legendary war-hero. Since then, all mankind is living in the continuous thread of the next big attack, being afraid what the Buggers have been preparing in the meantime. Enders has been chosen to be raised for commanding the next combat with the Buggers. But nobody is sure that he’s actually the one being able to do that. Not even he himself.