Photofocu podcast goes down¶

Sad, most sad, the photofocus podcast as we know it will stop at March, 25th 2012 and probably not replaced with a new version of it. Considering the times I’ve listened to that podcast, the time I’ve spent figuring stuff out with my cams just because it has been mentioned, the time I wondered about functions I’ve never heard of and the time I’ve got explanations for things I’ve never considered solve-able: It’s a great loss.
Scott answered almost every question in his podcast at least once. The only exception I’m aware of are questions a la “What is better?” or “What should I buy?”. It actually make sense. All the other questions about gear, technique, post-processing and such: they’ve been answered. Well, with over 100 Episodes of Q&A shows with questions sent in by the audience, it was only a matter of time until they ran out of questions.
This moment has arrived. According to my music player it’s more than three days of continuous listening you have to went through to cover it all. Should be enough for a while. The really sad thing is: The episodes will not be available in the future, since according to photofocus they eat a huge amount of money each month. Reasonable.
I can only recommend to download all episodes as long as they are available (roughly 4GB) and put them somewhere save on your disk. If I’d had currently the possibility I’d upload a whole torrent of all episodes into the bay, but I’m a bit out of disc-space right now and don’t have a continuous seeder in place. But this podcast is definitely worth listening to and worth keeping it.
Here are the two RSS-Feeds you want to grep and store:]( (the last 10 episodes or so)]( (all episodes but the new ones)