Restaurant: T18¶

Half way home, still in the city center (somehow), at a corner in Torgata, you’ll find the Cafe T18. I’ve walked past that place for many years, without even having a look. But once, I’ve stepped in there, this was a nice, alternative place to have a break, slow down and to disconnect for a while….
Because it’s so central and the entrance is right at the corner, you can easily miss this nice cafe.
You’ve got quick and kind service there, different sorts of Cakes and Coffee and the kitchen with warm food is open until ~19:00 (if I remember correctly). If you plan to go there more often, get one of those coffee-cards.
Right behind the door is a table where you’ve got excellent WiFi-connection and a power socket. The other sockets are somehow hidden and you have to look for them. Tip: check the corners.
Having mentioned that, let’s got through the list:
WiFi: stable, password at the chalk-board next to the bar.
Power: yes, but sometimes a bit hidden
Coffee: yes, of course
Mate: no :(
Extra Bonus: Food