This was it. Another part of my life is over. I just spend about 40 hours watching both seasons of Stargate Universe. I’ve actually never seen me doing that before. Not with Stargate…
In 1994 when the original Stargate movie came out, I went with my father to the local cinema, screen A, somewhere between row five and eight, I think and watched that movie. As far as I can remember that was the first time I watched a SciFi movie in a cinema. And I still remember it. I think my dad liked it too. (Hmm.. maybe I should make this his Christmas gift for him?)
Anyway. Following up on that movie soon the TV series appeared on television and despite the fact that you needed to get used to a couple of new characters and some got replace, McGuyver did a pretty good job as Jack O’Neill during the first eight (omg) seasons. I occasionally watched it and it became more and more fun. As soon as he got written out (or left, or whatever somehow wasn’t part of the show anymore) I lost my interest in it as well.
The follower Atlantis didn’t really manage to catch me.
I’m not sure how, but two or three months ago I found Stargate Universe. My expectations weren’t that high, but I thought I should give it a shot.
Now, after finishing the last episode of season two and it’s quite sure that there will be no more seasons coming, I’m sad.
This series is great. It takes away the sometimes ridiculous funny humor of a main character à la O’Neill, takes down the simple attitudes and skin deep characters like in Atlantis and presses the Stargate itself in the background. What’s left is the social interaction of a small group of people, sometimes with big egos, who have to figure out a way of living and surviving together (especially when the occasional ‘kill’ seems to fail).
This of course doesn’t last the whole two seasons, otherwise you would end in a daily-soap. So the creators realistically allow the characters to harmonise to a comfortable level after a while and build up a story that you actually can follow.
In you favor I’m not gonna try to spoil anything here, but when you make it through the first couple of episode and you even withstand some of the sharp edges of a few characters, then you will be sad as well following the destiny>`__ through.