Anais Mitchel/Young man in america¶

A new year has begun and I managed quite often to publish regularly on Wednesday a new album I was listening to. OK, sometimes, I posted it afterwards or in advance, but the thought counts, right? And this shall be continued this year as good as possible as well.
Therefore I start with the American Anaïs Mitchell and her album Young Man in America.
The recommendation for Anaïs Mitchell I found on a different blog. I usually don’t go through all the details of recommendations, but in the past that source were more or less often identical with my taste of music. So I gave it a shot and here it will end up on my blog as well.
My favorite song is actually the one names as the album Young man in America, already just by the music.
Though the album needed to grow on me and wasn’t listenable right away, it didn’t take too long until it started to catch me.
Her music is slower, silent and calm. Perfect for the start of the year. Perfect for the current weather. Perfect for the dinner for two with candle light and the snow outside (if you’re in a warm country - I’m sorry)…
Links: Official Website