
For the first of April I had a goal. I thought I’d skip buying the monthly public transport ticket (which costs quite a fortune, but you don’t have to think about anything related to that for the next 30 days) and take my bike. I started already getting a bit proud of myself, having that ambitious goal. The weather was already getting warmer and I’ve just officially finished the snowboarding season - the idea of taking the bike just must be supported by everything and everybody.
Well, not quite.
Probably a bit challenged by my last post, mother nature decided to not giving me my bike back. Not yet.
The front and the back wheel are securely tight to the ground by the ice. The grip is very, very tight - I wished I had some brakes like that. Since the cold is that convincing to not let me take my ride and probably protecting me therefore against possible accidents on the slippery streets, I bought the ticket again. Not, of course, it would be a waste of money not using the ticket for the next month.
This answers at the same time the question, why my bike is still in the backyard anyway. We’ve already lost one bike there and found only the bolted lock. So I’m always a bit more than necessary cautious with locking my bike and watching over it. But this years winter make it pretty clear: No biking. For no one.
I wonder how my bike feels when it wakes up from the winter sleep and is wondering where I might be. Did it miss me?