Lemolo/The Kaleidoscope¶

It has been a while since the typical Wednesday CD came out. Partly due to me being busy, partly because I didn’t find anything new that was worth it (strictly tied to the previous time issue as well). So the good news is: I’m back.
The sad news: probably not completely. I’m still quite busy doing all sort of stuff and listening to music isn’t necessary an option all the time. But while doing other stuff I also can’t help myself and stumble over all sorts of other things. When reviving and older system and looking around on it if there’s something worth keeping, I found some rest of music files in a folder. I’ve placed them there a couple of months ago in order to listen to them.
And I had my reason - obviously.
Lemolo from Seattle had come out with the debut album in 2012 and it has been the only one since. I slowly realise that I get more and more into dream-pop as well.
Especially the Song _Letters_ is, though a quite simple one - quite a catchy one as well. Their music is not unique, so much about that. But it’s not bad made, hammered together in a shed in the backyard or something similar. It get’s quite close to First Aid Kit without being too intrusive with the voices.
It works quite well in the background, while running up and down, trying to order and clean stuff. With their 47min of music on that disc, it’s quite short and makes you start it again. Up to two or three times feels quite OK.
Links: Official Website