Receipe: Green kale¶

The season is short and quickly over. Only when the temperatures are dropping kale is ready to harvest.
For ca. 6 people
est. 2kg Kale
3 avg. onions
80gr butter
1l clear broth <
1,5 kg Kassler. “Juleskinke” works as well.
1.25 kg small hard cooking potatoes.
3 “Mettenden”/ cooking-sausages or vossakorv sausage (ca. 270 g)
4–5 sp (25-30 g) rolled oats
3 “Oldenburger Pinkel” (ca. 320 g) (or more vossakorv sausage)
Salt & pepper
40–50 g Sugar
Wash the kale and let it dry. Cut it into pieces and blanch in cooking water in portions four to five minutes.
Cut the onions into small cubes. Melt the butter and steam the onions in it, mixed with the broth. Add kale and the kasseler (not the sausages) and let it cook once. Stew it afterwards covered for 1.5 hours.
Clean the potatos and cook them on a covered pot for 15 minutes. Get them out of the water and remove the peel.
Remove the kasseler after ca. one hour from the kale. Add the sausages roughly 20 minutes before you finish steaming. Mix the rolled oats about ten minutes in the kale before you finish. At the end you add the kasselere to the kale again in order to heat it up.
Heat up some more butter in a pan, Turn the potatoes in there and get them golden brown. Relish them with salt and pepper and caramelize them with the sugar at the end.
Remove all meat but the sausages from the kale and cut it into slices. Flavour the kale with a bit of salt and serve it all together. Serve some mustard as well.