Songs Ohia/Songs: Ohia¶

This week we’re going a bit slower. Much slower. Music for the long, dark winter evenings (if you’re endangered to committing suicide, stop reading. Now!).
Songs Ohia from Ohio was already a companion on my little tour through Finnland a couple of years ago. When you’re traveling alone, this kind of music goes really, really well.
When you’re sitting at home though, and it’s cold outside, the flickering TV is switched off an you just fill the room with this music while the fireplace is going as well, then you’re better not alone.
The music transports a melancholic weight that’s difficult to describe. Songs Ohia doesn’t perform any more and you’ll have no chance to see this live. Ever.
But this album should not be just left alone. Use this as an entry to all the albums that came out until 2004. Feel the rising, feel the development, feel the music change and follow it through.
Links: Official Webpage
The journey begins with Cabwaylingo: