The Dø/A Mouthful¶

Today’s favourite: The Dø!
Their album A Mouthful is on my playlist now for one or two years and I can’t believe I haven’t featured them here yet. Beside the music their name always triggered my imagination: _dø_ means to die in most Scandinavian language. But that’s not even close to the intention of this name.
You can read about it yourself. I’m talking about music here.
Their song On My Shoulders made it very quickly and permanently on my playlists. And it doesn’t seem to wear off. Not sure if it’s a happy or a sad song though, I like to think about it as a sad song, but others might decide otherwise.
The whole album might be a lit weird to listen to, but it has a sneaky and continuous way to get to you. This weirdness and twisted noises they have, that’s what made it so interesting for me, quite irresistible…
Links: Official Website | Vimeo