The Jolly Boys/Great expectations¶

The first song was like: yeah.. ok.. not bad
The second song was like: hmm.. ok, something is there…
The third song was like: hell - these guys are good!
This album will grow on you after a while. Initially it’s a bit different. A bit too close to other cover-versions (oh, didn’t I mention that this album is full over cover-versions?) of some famous songs. But after a while you recognize that this is different. You get the idea of what you can actually achieve after a almost 60 year band-history.
The Rolling Stones? Pah! (1962).
Pink Floyd? Humbug!! (1965)
Only Chuck Berry comes close enough. The Jolly Boys are on stage since 1955, play constantly and are currently the house band of the hotel GeeJam in Port Antonio.
House Band.. how cool is that?
Here you go with the first song:
Links: Official Site