Chinemateket: RSS¶

On my private task list (be glad that you aren’t on that list), was the RSS feed for the Cinemateket. Until now. Well, actually: a couple of weeks ago. I ran it, tested it. And forgot about it. But what’s once on the list will not get lost until it’s done. So here it is.
When I’ve contacted Cinemateket about that their RSS was broken, they quickly fixed the website and output now an error instead of the RSS error message from before. That’s an improvement.
But they did not feel like including the RSS feed I created from their program. That’s fine with me, as long as I get mine.
The feed is update once a day and covers the upcoming two weeks. I included some basic information, images, playtimes, etc. Since Cinemateket is including a calendar import on their website anyway, I skipped that part in the RSS feed.
Besides that:
The source code for this is on github.