See also
Concert: Low¶

On a short, short, very short notice one of my informants handed me a piece of paper with a written note on it. Basically whistle-blowing that Low were calling for a meeting in about two days time in a secret location. Naturally this place wasn’t a secret to me at all. Easily I was able to hunt down two tickets and a couple of financial transfers later I picked them up at the usual dead drop.
In good-old Mafia style we we’re about an hour late (I blamed the security guards and their extensive paranoia for it), but nonetheless the chief-commanders haven’t appeared yet. I wasn’t sure about if I should take the upcoming countdown as a threat or quite the opposite.
When the countdown reached zero, the house didn’t blow up, instead: Low started playing. I remember that I’ve missem them already a year ago, so I put a little more effort in getting to see them this time.
There’s really not much to tell about the concert at all. Quite unspectacular. Really. If you’ve listened to Low before that’s also what you’d expected. It’s more about the atmosphere and the mood as a particular song or fan-dom.
It was a tiny, little concert for in-between. We went actually quite a bit stressed there and almost decided not to go. During the concert I could see myself relaxing and relieving a lot of stress. With Low it’s more about the music, than about anything else.