Shopping bags and carabiners¶

Once a week we do the big shopping (Small behavioural changes). All the bags need to be carried up at least a couple of floors. For not ending up with the plastic cutting into my hands I somewhere borrowed the idea to use carabiner. That clinched the bags together and one hook in each hand I can get up the stairs.
Until one of them snapped.
They should break at ~50kg, the gate obviously cracks earlier. Again it is a matter of proper equipment and proper usage.
The ones I bought were not the most expensive ones. I though they might do the trick. They didn’t and some stuff that day landed on the floor. Luckily the eggs were in the other hand. That still left me trying to carry up all goods the week after with my bare hands. And cut into my fingers again. Going the stairs up just twice isn’t an option. I’m just too proud to do that. What would my GF say?
So I replaced the broken one with this one. Carrying 2424kg in one hand might be a bit over my limit, so they will just do fine, I assume.