Small behavioural changes¶

A couple of years ago I got attached to some bad behavior: I used to buy my groceries day-by-day. So whenever I needed something from the store, I just bought it. My storage space was a couple of hundred square meters, with cooling and constant re-fill.
This worked fine as long as I only had to schedule things with myself. When this changed it became a source of stress. The everyday awareness of the “need to buy something” and to spend more money made the daily ritual quite unpleasant.
The solution was to shift from being an everyday-shopper to do this once a week. As simple as this change was, as much impact did it have on the quality of my life.
Instead of freaking out every day because there’s more money to spent and more time to waste on shopping, the once-a-week trip turned into something I like to think of and something to look forward to.
The board on the fridge does contribute to this as well. It takes away the annoying questions of what to eat and what to get. And I like the way it looks.
I’d love to take the credits for the writing as well, but none of that is actually mine. I just wished I could write that that.
I wonder: why does it take so long until I could identify that there was a problem and even the next step: actually resolve it and turn it into the opposite?
And how many other things are there that are actually unnecessary and I could avoid, just by taking a different approach?
I need to think about that..